
VIPole Desktop update 3.7.6: HD video quality, file storage driver update

The latest VIPole Desktop client has a new video transmission system that provides the maximum quality supported by your device for your calls and conferencing. You can control the quality of the image on the screen depending on the quality of internet connection. Encrypted file storage drivers are updated in this release: the new plug-in ensures perfect interaction with Windows 8 and 10.

What's new in VIPole Desktop 3.7.6?

New features

  • Improved video quality of calls and conferences;
  • Adjusting the image quality in videoconferences;
  • Updated encrypted file storage driver;
  • Extended set of smiles;
  • Special notifications for messages addressed personally to a user;
  • Optimized order of folders in the password manager, a «Not in group» folder added;
  • Disabling smiles option in 'Settings'.

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed bug with displaying active sessions;
  • Fixed bug with canceling downloads of large files,
  • Team account: fixed administrator panel performance when reconnecting to the server.

Managing video quality

Image quality has been considerably improved during calls and conferences in VIPole on all devices and now fully conforms to the quality of the video on the device camera.

A new feature is added to video conferencing settings – selecting the image quality. During the conference, click on the settings icon on the panel in the top and select the suitable video camera resolution: low, standard or high. When the connection is poor, it is reasonable to select a lower image quality.

New file management system

When you first run the updated version of VIPole desktop application, you will be prompted to install a new disk driver that will facilitate the stable support for Windows 10. We strongly recommend to use the new driver, as this will ensure smooth application performance while working with files: saving to the selected folder and forwarding.

Update your VIPole application to the 3.7.6 version through the Main menu > Options > Check updates or download the new version for Windows, Linux and Mac OS at the Download page. If you face any difficulties or you have questions about the new version – please, contact VIPole technical support.

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