VIPole Desktop update 3.7.4: encryption key management system, bulk operations with messages and new chat interface
In the new VIPole desktop version, users can manage the encryption keys and view the key change history. In addition, message threads in chats can now be copied, forwarded or deleted.

What’s new in VIPole Desktop update 3.7.4?
New features
- Encryption key management,
- Running another VIPole instance through the Main menu,
- Bulk operations with messages in chats,
- Chat participants' profile pictures shown in chat windows,
- Messages highlighting when editing.
Improvements and bug fixes
- The bug with statuses after long inactivity is fixed,
- Increased stability.
The Security section now includes the «Manage keys» tab. It displays the history of encryption keys changing in VIPole. Earlier if users forgot the secret phrase and generated a new one with new encryption keys, the chat history and files encrypted with the previous secret phrase were unrecoverable. Now users can recover the chat history and files that were encrypted with the old encryption keys if they recollect the corresponding secret phrase. In addition, the encryption keys used during a certain period can now be deleted, thus the data encrypted with these keys will be wiped away irrevocably.

Encryption keys in VIPole can be deleted or reset if you forget your secret phrase. Only the users have the access to the keys and to the data encrypted with them. The current keys, as well as the reset, forgotten and deleted, are displayed in the key management tab in the Security section of the app:
- The current key that is used for encrypting all user data at the moment.
- Old encryption keys. This list includes the keys that were previously used for encrypting user data.
- The forgotten and reset keys. The data encrypted with these keys is unavailable, as the user does not remember the secret phrase for accessing it. If the user recollects the appropriate secret phrase, the access is restored.
- The deleted encryption keys. When you remove the keys on the «Manage keys» tab, the access to them and to all the data encrypted with these keys becomes unrecoverable.
We have renovated chats: the interface now includes user avatars and the features for managing history. VIPole chats now allow forwarding and deleting message threads. When you select a group of messages, a panel with options appears above the chat:
- Select all,
- Delete,
- Forward,
- Cancel.
The chat interface is customizable, and in the Options section of the Main menu you can disable profile pictures showing in chats by unchecking this option.
The «Select all» option highlights all messages in the chat window and you can then forward them to a contact or a group chat. When a group of messages, files or images is deleted, they are removed for all chat participants.
A new option is added to in the main menu – «Run another VIPole instance» – it allows to work simultaneously in multiple VIPole accounts. This is useful if you have a personal account and company accounts with shared access to communicate with customers. The number of instances is unlimited and depends on your needs.
Download the 3.7.4 update for Windows, Linux and Mac OS at the Download page or update your app to the new version through the Main menu.