VIPole has everything you may need for disposal of business affairs, organization of common projects and monitoring their implementation. VIPole provides a convenient task manager so that you don't have to keep in mind all the important tasks and don't lose notes written on stickers. Our task service makes it possible to closely monitor the timeliness of the implementation of tasks and has all the required functionality for the efficient task management.
Task manager feature highlights

Assigning tasks to yourself and to users from your contact list
Vial makes it possible to assign a task both to yourself and to any other user from your contact list.

Tracking progress status of tasks
You can track the progress status and completion dates of all the tasks added to the VIPole task manager.

Setting priorities of tasks
When setting a task you can set the priority for each task: urgent, high, low, medium, etc.

Changing deadlines and status of tasks in real time
If necessary, you can edit task parameters, change the progress status and completion date of a task in real time.

Notifications of task changes
VIPole will notify all the users involved in the task implementation of changing task parameters.